General problems of translation
Translation has existed since immemorial time. When two people live next door, they are either fighting or trading. In both cases, there is a need for an interpreter, that is, in a person who owns (at least a little) the language of both people and translates some meaning from one language form to another. Translation plays a huge role in the mankind cultural development of. Thanks to the translation people from the entire world get acquainted with life, history, culture, literature and scientific achievements of each other. What is more, many translated works of art become part of national literature. However, there are some problems of translation, even nowadays as well. The types of issues are in any level and any aspects or categories. That is the reason translators have to accomplish different tricky aspects in their job. Moreover, an abstract realizing of both grammar and culture are required for translation. Translators need to recognize the laws of a language and, also, the tendencies of the people who use it. Even for the most experienced professionals, frustration and confusion are familiar feelings. Because translation is not just the transfer of the signs of one language to another, it is a complex process of perception, full and accurate expression by means of another language of the already expressed thought. One of the complications in translation is lexical-semantic. Lexical-semantic issues can be determinate by turning to dictionaries, glossaries, terminology banks and etc. Including terminology alternatives, neologisms, semantic gaps, contextual synonyms and antonyms, semantic contiguity and lexical networks. While translating, translator should focus on linguistic structures, semantic analysis and information theory, nevertheless, keep in mind that translation is more than just science. The proper translation is determined by the extent to which the average reader will correctly perceive the message to which this translation is designed. Moreover, one must be sure that the chance of erroneous understanding of the proposed information is very small. Undoubtedly, several variants of translation can be correct. In societies where so-called languages of international communication are used, there are several lexical strata and levels of perception of speech. This means that in this case, several multilevel translations with different terminology and grammatical structures will be required to provide equal opportunities for all people to understand the message content. This concerns first of all the recognition of two different types of expressions: 1) with a high degree of possible misinterpretation; 2) as well as expressions difficult (from the lexical or grammatical point of view) and so difficult to perceive that the desire to try to understand their content completely disappears. If a large percentage of readers misinterpret the translation, it cannot be considered correct. In addition to distorting the meaning, translation can sin difficult style, which makes the perception of the message completely impossible. Журнал «Студенческий вестник» № 16 (36), часть 2, 2018 г. 51 There are a plenty number of words that have a similar spelling or sound in two or more languages. Basically, these borrowings - either from one language to another, or - more often - both languages from a third, common source: as a rule, Latin, Greek, French (parliament, diplomat, method, theory, organization, etc.). Words of this kind can both help and hinder an interpreter. Help is provided when there is a coincidence of values behind external similarities. Regardless of the context, the word zinc will be translated as zinc, chameleon as a chameleon, panorama as a panorama, and classical music as classical music. This vocabulary is usually called international. However, being borrowed by another language, a word can acquire new meanings, its semantic structure can completely change. It is not excluded and purely coincidence. Such words are usually called pseudo-alternative. In French they were called fauxamisdutraducteur - translator`s false friends. To the same extent that international vocabulary serves as an aid to an interpreter, a pseudo-international one can be a hindrance - misleading, pushing to various kinds of blunders and mistakes. In oral speech, the extralinguistic situation itself often prompts the right meaning. When translating a written text, we are deprived of such additional support. However, the magic of the external similarity of words is so great that even experienced translators sometimes fall under it, make mistakes. For a beginner interpreter, pseudo-international vocabulary is especially dangerous. Grammatical problems cover, for instance, questions of humanity, condition (the appearance implies how the process is shown or the capacity shown by the verb from the attitude of its improvement, as reversed to time itself), pronouns, and even if making specific the subject pronoun or not. Many grammatical problems are not purely grammatical, but closely related to lexical ones. Therefore, it is more correct to consider them lexical and grammatical. From the point of view of translation, that is, the re-expression of thought in an equivalent form by means of another language, the link between vocabulary and grammar is very clear.
Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ профессоры, доцент Жанатаев Д.Ж. Әл-Фараби атындағы ҚазҰУ магистранты Кудайбергенова З.М.