01 Ақпан, Сенбі


Criteria and assessments of translating oil and gas terminology

Aigerim Smagulova Roza Rakhimbayeva
Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor сhair of «Diplomatic translations», faculty of «International relations»al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, PhD of economical science senior teacher сhair of «Diplomatic translations», faculty of «International relations» al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan,


This article provides some features of the translation of oil and gas terms in English and Kazakh. One of these industries is the petrochemical industry. The oil and gas industry has confidently taken the position of the flagship of our countrys economy. Currently, the problem of technical translation is relevant, which is due to the increase in the volume of translations and difficulties encountered during translation. Transliteration translation of some terms (for example, laser – laser), which took place in the examples discussed in the article, is a rare exception in the practice of technical translation. Grammar courses cover a large group of words and terms called false friends of the translator (for example, contribution, data, decade, example, modeling, etc.), transliteration of which leads to gross distortion of meaning. Materials on the latest developments and research conducted in this area by both foreign and domestic researchers are published in foreign languages. In this regard, there is a need to study and analyze new terminology for its high-quality translation. The translation of simple and complex terms included in the group must be adequate and correspond to the values accepted among industry specialists.

Due to the expansion of economic relations of the Republic of Kazakhstan with foreign countries, technology updates and changes in various industries are taking place. One of these industries is the petrochemical industry. Materials on the latest developments and research conducted in this area by both foreign and domestic researchers are published in foreign languages. In this regard, there is a need to study and analyze new terminology for its high-quality translation.

The oil and gas industry has confidently taken the position of the flagship of our countrys economy. Currently, the problem of technical translation is relevant, due to the increasing volume of translations and difficulties encountered during translation.

The characteristic features of technical texts are their in formativeness (content), consistency (strict sequence, clear connection between the main idea and details), accuracy and objectivity, clarity and clarity.

From the point of view of vocabulary, the main feature of the text is the saturation of special terminology characteristic of this branch of knowledge. This part clarifies the conceptual framework for such categories as term, translation in the oil and gas industry.

On the other hand, the oil and gas industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan is quite attractive for foreign investors in terms of quantitative and qualitative indicators. In this connection, there is a need for highly qualified technical translators. At the same time, to further maintain the level of qualification of Kazakhstani specialists, it is necessary to solve the problems of special secondary and higher education.

On this basis, taking into account the analysis of the current translation market, the need to move from developing theoretical measures to a comprehensive program for developing and improving the quality of translation in the oil and gas industry is justified.


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