02 Ақпан, Жексенбі


Control and measuring instruments and automatics

Атырау облысы, Жылыой ауданы, Құлсары қаласы
Жылыой мұнай және газ технологиялық колледжінің
ІІ курс студенті: Жакенова Мөлдір Жакенқызы
Жетекшісі: І санатты ағылшын тілі пәнінің оқытушысы
Имашева Анар Карашбаевна

Any modern enterprise engaged in production activities, be sure to use certain devices and sensors. They need them and ordinary citizens, because they can be used to carry out flow control, heat and electricity. At the same time there are experts who are engaged in ensuring proper operation of these devices.

Identify equipment and varieties
What is the equipment?
Types of equipment
What does a locksmith equipment
Where are the experts instruments
What can the Department of Instrumentation
Who is the chief specialist in the department
Definition of equipment and variations
The main purpose of equipment, including special measuring devices and automation, is to determine the exact physical quantities. With these devices, you can get an idea of the current water flow, to determine how efficiently the equipmen