02 Ақпан, Жексенбі


Our college

Алматы облысы Панфилов ауданы

Жаркент гуманитарлық-техникалық колледжінің Аударма ісі мамандығы бойынша

3-курс студенті: Оспанова Жұлдыз

Жетекшісі: Ниетбаева Бану Батырхановна

I want to say some words about Zharkent college of Humanities and Technology where I study. Our college is located in Zharkent, a town near the border with China. It has a long history and our 85th anniversary is coming.

I ‘d like to mention its friendly atmosphere, and it enjoys excellent facilities, including: a spacious area, well-equipped lecture rooms, a hall of residence, a well-stocked library, several computer laboratories and excellent sports facilities.

There are many specialities in our college but I have chosen the profession of an interpreter. I admire our teaching staff greatly. The teachers of our college are dedicated to their work very much. Students meet lectures each week and have lively discussions about the subject they are studying. I myself always look forward to the next day at college and lessons.